
Jesse Jackson Faces Lurid, Gay Sexual Harassment Lawsuit by Ex-Personal Assistant! Why is the Liberal Media Silent?

Jesse Jackson

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As Politico and others in the liberal media feverishly try to measure the circumference of Herman Cain’s neck –flooding the nation with vague, unsubstantiated and unspecified claims of sexual harassment from completely anonymous sources– that same media remains curiously silent about another black leader: Rev. Jesse Jackson, civil rights activist, Democratic Party stalwart, and the father of an illegitimate child by a former mistress.

The details of the suit against Jackson, filed in Cook County Circuit Court in September 2011 by ex-staffer Tommy Bennett (and obtained by Courthouse News Service) are the very antithesis of the allegations against Cain. Bennett is a named plaintiff in a public lawsuit. He offers highly detailed allegations (giving names, dates, places, participants and conversations). His claims are also salacious and, if proven true, reveal that the long-married Jackson not only enjoys the sexual company of multiple female mistresses, but also enjoys a little mouth-on-penis action from gay men! Again, these are presently mere allegations lodged by the openly gay man whom Jackson chose as his personal travel assistant.

From July 2007 until Dec. 23, 2009, Bennett worked with Jackson’s Rainbow PUSH Coalition as the national director of community affairs, the national field director and Jackson’s personal travel assistant. It was in the last capacity that be allegedly saw Jackson’s seamier side, including a claim that he was forced to help cover up Jackson’s trysts with multiple mistresses.

The complaint takes on a near “screwball comedy” quality when Bennett details a 2008 incident in which he was accused of “faxing a letter to the Jackson family from Kinkos at 2 a.m. informing them of the affair between Rev. Jackson and Ms. [Tamara] Holder.” But Bennett’s complaint clarifies the charge by alleging that: “After Rainbow Push did a thorough investigation of the letter, they found out that the letter came from Judge Vanessa Hobson, who was another mistress of Rev. Jackson.”

Nothing spices up a dull legal filing quite like a colorful tidbit about dueling mistresses.

But Bennett’s complaint becomes a “must-read” tome when he reveals an incident that he alleges occurred when he was summoned to Jackson’s hotel room at the O’Hare Hilton at 1 a.m.  According to the court filing:

“When Mr. Bennett arrived, Rev. Jackson was dressed only in his underwear (briefs) and a V-neck shirt. While Mr. Bennett was taking notes, Rev. Jackson had an erection and was stroking his penis with his hand in his underwear. Rev. Jackson’s breathing was accelerated. Before Mr. Bennett left, Rev. Jackson stated that white folks took the word ‘gay’ and gave the word its own definition. Rev. Jackson further stated that he was a real poor child in North Carolina and his name was first Jesse Burns, and then Jesse Robinson and then he became Jesse Jackson. Rev. Jackson stated that he played football and there was a gay high school teacher who took Rev. Jackson under his wings and told him that he needed education to go along with football. Rev. Jackson said ‘from that gay teacher, I got a good grade, I got to use his car, I got ten dollars and I got my dick sucked.’ Rev. Jackson said, ‘that’s not gay, that is surviving.’ Mr. Bennett understood this to mean that Rev. Jackson wanted him to perform oral sex on him. Mr. Bennett left the room.”

Now that’s good readin’!

Bennett’s suit also claims he faced sexual discrimination while at PUSH, as some employees (not Jackson) called for the elimination of gays from the office. He seeks $98,300 in back pay and lost benefits, and $350,000 in punitive damages for sexual harassment and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

So, against Jackson, we have a suit that names names, specifies dates and places, details specific charges, and frankly, thoroughly entertains the reader (love Jackson’s unique definition of the word “gay.”) So why have Politico and other media lefties, who have so gleefully reported the Cain non-story ad nausea, remained so tight-lipped when it comes to Jackson? One would think they would be as quick to open their collective journalistic “mouths” on this as Jackson allegedly wanted Bennett to open his.

Cain’s one documented accuser refuses to come forward, refuses to give her name, refuses to allow the press to verify anything about her background or  credibility. Most importantly, she refuses to give a single detail about any alleged impropriety by Mr. Cain, despite the National Restaurant Association’s having agreed to release her from her confidentiality agreement.

The answer to the puzzling media double standard is simple:  If you are a black man (or woman) who stays in your place and remains faithful to the Democratic party, you are untouchable.  But if you dare to stand up like a real man, succeed on your own, without benefit of handouts or Democratic largess, you are “uppity.”

And if, like Cain, you commit the unpardonable sin of telling other blacks that they can succeed through their own hard work and self-reliance, rather than depending on democrat-supported government programs, then you forever incur the master’s wrath and must be destroyed. Luckily for Mr. Cain, those of us in conservative media will not stand by and allow the noose to be tightened around his neck without an all-out fight.

© Conservative Black All rights reserved. No portion of this article may be reprinted without attribution to this site via link or otherwise.


8 comments on “Jesse Jackson Faces Lurid, Gay Sexual Harassment Lawsuit by Ex-Personal Assistant! Why is the Liberal Media Silent?

  1. Obama’s not the down low dude that black gays or down low dudes are protecting. It’s Jesse Jackson that they’ve been protecting. For years Jesse and other black males have been on the down low. Their families and friends were kept in the dark about these male on male sexcapades. When Jesse took part in the interview Peter Jennings conducted with black males on the down low, Jesse said, “Even the coach drops the ball.” What kinda idiotic comment was that. The subject had nothing to do with sports. Not unless black males were sleeping with each other for sport. Jesse’s been on the down low since he was in high school. He liked that type of sex then and he still likes it. Just ask the down low dudes in Chicago. Leave Obama out of your secret lifestyle.

  2. I remember seeing this about Jesse on the front cover of the Enquirer, but I stopped buying that paper years ago. But now that I’ve read information online, I believe Tommy Bennett. This isn’t something that people just to make up. His claims are explosive and believable. Nothing surprises me about Jesse anymore. Dude is a race baiter and scam artist. He’s been exploiting the black race since the civil rights movement. He and Al are the biggest black pimps in America. Thank goodness there are a few books exposing the real side of these so-called leaders.

    From what I read online, the outcome looks good for Tommy. Jesse and his people aren’t even showing up for court. So a settlement should be reached soon.

  3. The gays in Chicago are protecting Obama. Not sure about Jackson. They know Obama is gay and are protecting him as they do not want him to be outed as he is accomplishing their wishes on the down low so to speak. The gays in Chicago know Obama is gay and they have the stories but they won’t out him.

    And-Posted 7 November 2011 at 10pm edit

    (Re-posted here from other forum)

  4. Ask any gay man around Chicago and elsewhere, and they will eventually acknowledge that the gay community knows he is gay. But they are protecting him and don’t want him to be exposed as gay.

    Posted by Jeff | November 6, 2011, 5:28 pm | edit

    (Re-posted in correct forum)

    • Hi Jeff.

      Interestingly enough, I have read MANY stories about Obama and his membership in Man’s Country, the gay bathouse in Illinois, but the Bennett lawsuit was my first time hearing anything about Jackson being on the DL. But it rings COMPLETELY true, especially Bennet’s claim that Jackson thinks that having his dick sucked by men (apparently since HIGH SCHOOL(!)) doesn’t make him gay. The level of denial about homosexuality by black men never ceases to amaze me.

      I remember that when JL King first started promoting “On the Down Low” years ago, he steadfastly refused to identify himself as gay, even though he had been sleeping with men for 20 years. I know that he has finally come around to accepting the term and now calls himself a proud gay black man, but I think the vast majority of black men who sleep with men are still in denial.

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